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On the occasion of the premiere of Thomas Ostermeier’s Le roi Lear at Comedie Française in Paris (September 2022-February 2023), Agence France-Presse interviewed Alexa Alice Joubin on a topic pertaining to global Shakespeare.

     All the world’s a stage but the irony is the rest of the globe often has an easier time understanding William Shakespeare than English speakers “who are at a disadvantage because the language has evolved and is more and more distant,” said Alexa Alice Joubin at George Washington University.

     Foreign versions of Shakespeare have more freedom to update the language. Shakespeare’s global popularity shows that the plays are just as powerful without the original words. “There’s something innate in the characterisation and the way the stories are told that is iconic and unique,” said Joubin.

     “Romeo and Juliet” is so popular, she said, not just for the language, but its fast pacing — rare for a tragedy. 

     The interview is also available on France24, ABS-CBNBuenos Aires Times, and other media outlets worldwide. 

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