Alexa Alice Joubin was named the inaugural recipient of the bell hooks Legacy Award on April 7, 2023. The Popular Culture Association and American Culture Association (PCA / ACA) established the award to commemorate the late feminist writer and activist bell hooks (1952-2021) who has authored more than 30 books.
The award recognizes Joubin’s achievements in research, teaching, and service, particularly her efforts to “dismantle intersectional systems of oppression with the distinct goals of uplifting members of historically marginalized populations and striving for social justice” through her public humanities work, use of generative AI tools as assistive technology in class, open-access publications (such as Screening Shakespeare), and inclusive pedagogies.
The committee recognized the global impact of Joubin’s “groundbreaking work that speaks to our moment in history and our hope for the future” and the ways in which her “academic career is a stellar example of intersectional criticism.”